Cryptic Corner

Welcome to Cryptic Corner!

With Novelist and Poet

Jenn Klev

Author Bio

A Halloween Massacre

Everyone dies.  It’s the when the how, and the how painful one should fear.  Death is inevitable; we don’t have any control over it unless, of course, you’re the one that causes it. 

            I was getting dressed in my Betty Boop costume that I had created, complete with a red polka dot dress, a string of fake pearls, and my short black wig.  I strapped on my matching red heels and glided on one more coat of ruby red lipstick.  My friend, Jessica, was picking me up to go to the Halloween party at the community center.  We didn’t drink alcohol, and most people dressed up in atrocious attire, heading for the local bar, which always ended in a night of debauchery and regret.  We were in our thirties, and the drunken life of our youth had come and gone, leaving many forgotten hangovers. Giving myself one last look in the mirror, I curtsied and made my best Betty Boop impression, “You look swell, sweetheart, ooh.” Jessica pulled into the driveway and honked her horn.  I grabbed my purse and headed out the door.

            Jessica had been my best friend since elementary school, and we had remained close even when we went away to different colleges, only to return to our provincial hometown.  The community center started putting on a dry Halloween party years ago after a fatal car crash that took the life of four college students.  The party welcomed the public and had alcoholic alternatives, so all could remain safe.  A lot of good that did.

            Jessica wore a cream-colored scarf holding her hair back and a pair of dark sunglasses.  She was dressed as Louise from the famous Thelma and Louise and looked the part with her luscious red curls.  “Hop on in sugar,” she said, lowering her glasses to give me a closer look.

“Don’t you look adorable.” she gushed. “Now get in; I’m starving.”

“Not so bad yourself, love.”  I winked and jumped in her SUV.

            We arrived at the community center and saw the usual witches, ghosts, and vampires entering inside.  We all dressed to win the coveted Best Costume prize, which consisted of a small plastic trophy and a $100 gift certificate to the local pizza joint.  We headed in and into the last party we would attend.

            “Oh my gosh, look at this!  It’s so much better than last year!” Jessica said.

            “You go grab us a table; I’m going to check out the refreshments.” I headed over to the tables decorated with spider webs and fake bats to the punch bowl.  I poured a glass of punch for myself and opted for a hot apple cider for Jessica.  As I was carrying our drinks back to the table, a dark figure caught my attention.  He was very tall; he must have been at least six foot five and robbed in a black hooded Grimm Reaper costume.  The scythe he held was taller than he was and looked natural.  “Wow, creepy costume!  Is that a real scythe?” I asked, impressed.  The tall figure shook his head up and down but did not speak.  “Staying in character, huh?”  The being nodded again.  Chills went up my spine, and I knew that my Betty Boop costume had some serious competition. 

            I set down our drinks and motioned to the Grimm Reaper.  “Wow, impressive costume.  Who do you think that is?”  I asked Jessica.

            “I don’t know, maybe a newcomer?  It could be Mr. Stevenson, I guess; he’s pretty tall.”

            “Oh, could be.”

            “Well, maybe we will find out at the night’s end.  If he wins, he will take his hood and mask off.  I’m hungry; I’m going to get a plate.  Stay with my purse, will you?”

            “No problem.”

            Jessica went to the food tables and started piling sandwiches and salads on her plate.  I looked around, searching for other people I knew.  Bonnie Carlson was standing in the middle of a group of men, giggling as she showed off her never-ending stems that protruded from a high-slit sequenced gown that clung to her curves.  I rolled my eyes and looked at another group of people and saw Zorro, Gumby, and a sorceress.  Zorro was Zach Nichols, and I always wanted to ask him out but never had the courage.  He looked at me, smiled, and raised his glass of punch.  I blushed and took a sip of my own, returning the smile. 

            “I see you saw Zach.  You should talk to him.  You’re hot stuff, girl; go get yourself a little Halloween treat.”  Jessica encouraged.

            “Maybe I will later; he seems intrigued with his current conversation.”

            “Oh, I’m sure Gumby and the sorceress have a stimulating conversation.  Zach, hey Zach, come over here for a second, will you?”  Jessica yelled across the room and motioned for Zach to come to our table. 

My cheeks burned in a rose-red as I looked down at the table and played with an orange napkin.  Zach smiled and walked over as his cape flowed behind him.

“Hey ladies, how’s it going tonight?”

“Good, how are you?”  Jessica asked.

“Pretty well.  Business is good, and the weather has been nice.  How are you, Amy?”  he looked at me with sensual eyes.

“I’m doing well too, can’t complain.  I like your costume. Zorro is one of my favorite heroes.”

“Oh shoot, I forgot my make-up in the car.  I’ll be back.  Have fun.”  Jessica said in an uplifting tone and headed for the door.

“So, any idea who the Grimm Reaper is?  He’s still standing by the door and hasn’t broken character.”

“I don’t know, maybe Mr. Stevenson?  He participates in the local drama club; maybe it’s him?”  Zach said.

“Yeah, that’s what Jessica thought too.  I’m not so sure.  He is really creepy, though, and he has an actual scythe with him.”  I spoke.

It was a good thing that Jessica left when she did because it saved her life.  The lights went out, and only the security lights came on, creating a moment of panic.  People looked around, and then after a moment, their eyes started to adjust.  The doors were locked as part of the security, and we were trapped inside.  I felt nervous and excited at the same time as Zach reached for my hand.

“I’m sure this is all part of an act.  This year will be good; let’s see what happens.”

The Grimm Reaper walked towards Bonnie and her group of men, and with one quick sweep, he lopped off three of their heads.  Blood sprayed and splattered across the walls as Bonnie’s head rolled across the floor. It would forever be stuck in a shocked expression, eyes wide, mouth open.  It rolled to our table and stared at us in our terrified faces.  Screams of panic arose as people rushed to the door in a failed attempt to leave.  They were met with another slash as the scythe of the Grimm Reaper slashed into their backs and hacked off their arms.  The terror was indescribable, and wails were heard throughout the building.  Zach grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the back of the room, and herded me towards the restrooms. 

“Amy, come on, we have to get out of here,”  he exclaimed.

“What is happening?  Oh my gosh, this is insane!”  I cried.

We made out way to the back, and Zach pushed me inside the women’s bathroom, and we backed into one of the stalls.  If there wasn’t a psychotic killer on the prowl, this might be considered romantic.  The screams started to subside as more and more people fell victim to the scythe. 

“Be quiet, Amy, as quiet as you can.”

We heard footsteps nearing the door and heard the door open, and slap closed, creating a thunderclap in my ears.  The Grimm Reaper hacked at the locked bathroom door but couldn’t get in.  Then he swopped his scythe on the floor, and both of Zach’s feet were cut off as he fell to the floor, blood pooling from his cut-off shins, and he screamed in pain.  I looked in horror and tried to scream, but nothing came out.  A siren sounded in the distance, and the footsteps made their way out the door.  I thought for a moment I may be saved. But, I was tragically wrong.  The Grimm Reaper kicked open the door, and with one hard sweep, my throat was cut so deep that my head almost fell off, just like Bonnie’s.  I fell and lay dying on top of Zach’s trembling body.  With the moment of life I had left and just before my soul left my body, I watched as the Grimm Reaper walked out into the dark and vanished.  I would not survive this Halloween massacre.