Cryptic Corner

Welcome to Cryptic Corner!

With Novelist and Poet

Jenn Klev

Author Bio

Works In Progress

Please remember that these are in the rough draft stages and are subject to change.


Slop examines the wounded and deranged mind of an abused and isolated housewife. 

Dagna Thorncroft pulls herself up from the floor after suffering a beating by her husband, Bartholomew.  The isolation from being a homemaker on a small farm in northern Minnesota factors into her vivid and graphic visions about killing her husband.  One source of help may come from Calumet, a neighbor that brings Thorncroft’s fresh milk, but Bartholomew’s controlling nature causes a perpetual barrier.  As Dagna continues to suffer physical and emotional abuse, her visions proliferate, causing her grasp on reality to become opaquer.  Will she die at the hands of her husband, be rescued by the handsome neighbor, slip into a permanent state of psychosis, or will she end the abuse once and for all…

Slop Excerpt


When bodies start piling up in a gruesome and grotesque manner, the townspeople in a small Minnesotan town start to panic. Hoards of prehistoric mosquitoes surround the town and kill all who are nearby. The town’s fate rests in the hands of a teenage girl, Claire Brager, a high-school science teacher, Mr. Lazzaro, and a nerdy member of the high school band, Randy. Will they succeed or fall victim to the fate of these prehistoric pests?

Squito Excerpt

A Pirate Christmas (Novella)

A small orphan girl, Grace, runs away from an abusive orphanage in the early 1600s. She finds herself aboard a tall pirate ship docked at the nearby pier, unable to control her adventurous spirit. She falls asleep unbeknownst to the notorious and ferocious Pirate Captain Mac. An unlikely friendship develops as Grace’s spunky attitude and innocent nature lead her into a critical role in helping out on pirating adventures. Will the little stowaway help to melt the icy heart of the Pirate Captain? Or will Captain Mac sour her young soul causing her to lead a life destined for piracy?

A Pirate Christmas Excerpt

High Beams (Interim title)

When Alex returns to the town she grew up in, Freeport, Minnesota, bizarre and bloody disappearances cause alarm. With an investigative spirit, Alex must discover what is happening to these people. With the help of her Aunt Donna, the pair start to research the town’s history and are horrified at what they uncover.

High Beams Excerpt

Elizabethan Waffles aka The Swamp (Interim title)

Elizabeth and her spunky German Shepherd, Waffles, leave their home in Bar Harbor, Maine, to visit Elizabeth’s pregnant sister, Megan, in a small town in Montana. Elizabeth and Waffles stay at her Great Aunt’s home when Waffles finds a rotting corpse. Elizabeth comes too close to the truth, and danger surrounds her. Will she make it out alive, or will she fall victim to the fate of the murderer?

The Swamp Excerpt

The Apothecary

A young overweight woman with a self-esteem issue finds herself outside a local apothecary when a thunderstorm strikes. She falls in the rain, and a tall, handsome stranger helps her up and into his store. He gives her attention and the affection that she so strongly desires and craves, but he is 30 years older than her. As she falls in love with this new man, she starts to uncover truths about him and his mysterious ways. Will she change her appearance and beliefs to please him with the hopes of a relationship? Or will she discover that she is already everything she needs to be?

The Apothecary Excerpt

Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil

A tantalizing story about the childhood and life of a serial killer as he stalks his prey in the shadows of the night. This story is not for the faint of heart and contains crude elements that will surely leave you up at night and wondering who may be looking in at you from the hidden dark of night. Will you be his next victim?

Hear No Evil Excerpt